


A strong community activist, Spencer was voted Vancouver's Unsung Hero by readers of the Westender, and twice voted Best MLA by readers of the Georgia Straight.

The Complicated Legacy of Herbert Spencer, the Man Who ...

2020年4月29日 — Weinstein says Spencer advocated the idea that “those who survive the struggle are by definition not only the fittest but also morally the best.

英]赫伯特‧史賓賽(Herbert Spencer) - 博客來

博客來搜尋,作者,關鍵字:[英]赫伯特‧史賓賽(Herbert Spencer),分類:全館,社會達爾文主義之父赫伯特‧史賓賽的「教育論」:演化規律、社會平衡、自由主義、兒童權利、 ...

Herbert Spencer | American Experience

Spencer adapted Charles Darwin's notion of natural selection and applied the theory to human society in a philosophy that became known as Social Darwinism. It ...

Herbert Spencer (1820—1903)

British philosopher and sociologist, Herbert Spencer was a major figure in the intellectual life of the Victorian era. He was one of the principal ...

Herbert Spencer

由 D Weinstein 著作 · 2002 · 被引用 60 次 — Spencer was a sociologist in part. But he was even more a moral philosopher. He was what we now refer to as a liberal utilitarian first who ...


Review materials for studying Herbert Spencer · An article by Roderick Long (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) purporting to vindicate Spencer. The Internet ...

Herbert Spencer

Herbert Spencer (27 April 1820 – 8 December 1903) was an English polymath active as a philosopher, psychologist, biologist, sociologist, and anthropologist.

Herbert Spencer

2024年1月25日 — Herbert Spencer, English sociologist, philosopher, and early advocate of the theory of evolution. He advocated the preeminence of the ...